Welcome to

Let’s make an impact on our community.

Kingdom Marketplace, a new online directory, is being unveiled to serve as a hub for Christian-owned businesses, ministries, and non-profits in the greater Green Bay, Wisconsin area. With a mission to foster connections within the local Christian community, this platform aims to support and promote organizations that prioritize faith-based values in their operations.

Stay tuned as we launch phase one of Kingdom Marketplace:
our local (Green Bay Area) Christian-owned business directory.

Bring the Kingdom, here.

As brothers and sisters in Christ, it is paramount to rally behind one another, extending support and blessings as we collectively strive to advance the Kingdom of God. In a world often fraught with challenges, our unity and solidarity serve as powerful instruments for spreading God’s love and grace. By nurturing and uplifting Christian-owned businesses, ministries, and non-profits through platforms like Kingdom Marketplace, we not only foster economic growth but also create spaces where faith-based values flourish. Together, we fortify our influence in our communities, embodying the principles of love, service, and compassion, and in doing so, we actively participate in the divine mission of building God’s Kingdom here on earth.

Future Vision

Our vision-casting reaches far beyond a business directory and into a fully-functioning hub for activity in our community. Finding what businesses to patronize is just the beginning.

We aim to provide you with quick connection to all the possible ways to connect and serve the body of Christ, including:

  • Enrichment activities: Bible studies, concerts, worship events, prayer nights
  • Job listings from Christian business owners
  • Networking events
  • Outreach and volunteer opportunities